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- John Duns Scotus
- The Philosophical Theology of John Duns Scotus

edited by Marilyn McCord Adams
It is uncontroversial that Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M. (1913-2006) did more than anyone else in his generation to make the thought of John Duns Scotus accessible to the English-speaking world. Wolter accomplished this, on the one hand, by publishing volume after volume of Scotus’s writings, with Latin editions and his own English translations on facing pages. On the other, Wolter furnished penetrating books, articles, and commentaries to guide the perplexed through the Subtle Doctor’s highly technical ideas. The present volume brings together fifteen of Wolter’s pieces, first published in a variety of (often inaccessible) venues. Together they still constitute a stimulating and provocative point of entry into Scotus’s philosophical theology.
- Marilyn McCord Adams
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