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- Manna for a Wintery Earth: The Story of Rose of Viterbo
Manna for a Wintery Earth: The Story of Rose of Viterbo
Type: Book
by Joan Weisenbeck, FSPA and Marlene Weisenbeck, FSPA
Manna for a Wintery Earth gives impetus to reflect on the unique call to holiness each person has in their specific milieu. Situating Rose in the historical and cultural context of thirteenth-century Viterbo sheds light on understanding the Viterbo citizens’ devotion for her, and the impact of her Franciscan penitential life. Rose’s story testifies that holiness is a gift of God to be given freely with self-consciousness.
© 2021 Paperback
ISBN 978-1-57659-451-3
E-ISBN 978-1-57659-452-0
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