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- Liber de Moraltiatibus, Marci de Urbi

This book falls into the category of exempla literature, in this case, a source-book for preachers. Marcus follows a strategy of giving physical descriptions of an item followed by its spiritual significance bolstered by scripture quotes and examples. Marcus uses the work of the Confrere Bartholomew of England's De proprietatibus rereum and fills his text with simple comparisons, analogies and similes intended to help the preacher;s audience remember the spiritual meaning to be found in the world around them. Marcus of Orvieto is firmly fixed in the tradition of Bonaventure, for whom wisdimn was eminently superior to knowledge, citing him frequently, particularly from the Legenda maior, and also from the Commentary on Luke. In the Middle Ages, sermons constituted important cultural events in the daily and weekly lives of what was in Western Europe a largely Christian population. Thus, by providing a handbook for preachers, Marcus provided a valuable service to the cultural milieu of his time.
Marci de Urbi Veteri: Liber de Moralitatibus, Volume I
Marci de Urbi Veteri: Liber de Moralitatibus, Volume II
Marci de Urbi Veteri: Liber de Moralitatibus, Volume III
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